Airfoil Dat to NURBS

Convert Selig and Lednicer UIUC Airfoil dat file coordinates to NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline) format
The NURBS format is the IGES Rational B-Spline Curve (Type 126) of 3-degree.
All the CAD software can import it easily.
Flusur converter is different from others: it does not place the NURBS knots in a uniform manner (1/n),
but places more knots where needed.
It may happen that the interpolating spline presents unwanted curls as in the case of naca64a010.
By slightly changing some coordinates (naca64a010x) you can “fix” the problem.
See the picture
If the conversion doesn’t meet your requirements, try the Flusur airfoil design in transparent mode or the all in web Airfoil Design

See our last FFSRH (Flusur Full Speed Range Hydrofoil)
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